This item is under development. Details will be added as knowledge on the subject increases.
L319 2010 to 2016, L322 2010 to 2012 and L320 2010 to 2013
These vehicles can only have the Automatic High Beam Assist retrofitted. The proper rear view mirror located on the top of the windshield needs to be installed. The Car Configuration File needs to be changed accordingly;
Menu–Car Config–Body Control;
- Auto high beam 1
Fitted - Auto high beam 2
Enabled - Auto high beam 3
North America*
*This setting may be changed to the desired value. The difference between each value behaviour has not been confirmed and some may not work.
L494 2014 to 2016, L405 2013-2015 and L538 2012 to 2015
These vehicles can have Automatic High Beam Assist or Automatic High Beam Assist, Traffic Sign Recognition (TSR) and Lane Departure Warning (LDW). The proper rear view mirror located on the top of the windshield needs to be installed.
- Low line rear view mirror with no features and not seen in ECU Info. There’s no ECU in this mirror.
- Mid line rear view mirror only has AHBA
- High line rear view mirror will support AHBA, TSR and LWD
It will be named HCMB in ECU Info.
Also the LDW switch needs installing.
Rear View Mirror Hardware for L405 and L494 up to 2015;
- Mid line DPLA-17E678-Ax, Bx or Cx
- High line DPLA-17E678-Hx (North America) or Gx (rest of the world)
- High line DK52-17E678-GB as been proven to work also
This hardware is from the L405 and is much easier to find than the hardware for the L494. When new hardware numbers are known, they will be added to this list. Re-flashing is required when installing the L405 hardware on a L494. It will be named HCMB in ECU Info.
Rear View Mirror Hardware for L538 up to 2015;
- EJ32-17E678-BB – this is the auto high beam assist, auto dimming mirror with homelink buttons.
- EJ32-17E678-AB – this would be the one without homelink buttons.
- EJ32-17E678-JA – this would have AHBA, TSR and LDW (to be confirmed)
Others may work but the part number must not start with G as this would indicate build year 2016 which does not work on earlier cars. It will be named HCMB in ECU Info.
Changing the Car Configuration File (CCF)
The Car Configuration File needs to be changed accordingly. Menu–Car Config–Complete list, use the search box for
- Auto High Beam = Fitted
- Auto High Beam = Rest of World
- Lane Departure Warning = set to the desired value, LANE_WARN_TSR**
- Power steering type = Electric power steering with external angle and torque control***
*Some features may not work on 2013 model year.
**CCF Full access (complete list) is required and available upon request.
***CCF full access required. This setting is to enable steering vibration when LDW is triggered.
Rear View Mirror Hardware and CCF change for L405, L494 and L538 2016;
The mirror changed in 2016 thus earlier ones cannot be used. Part number are currently unknown but will be added once confirmed. It will be named IPAM in ECU Info.
CCF changes are similar.
Rear View Mirror Calibration;
This is only required for brand new mirrors. Used ones may need a few drive cycles to be functional.
L405, L494, L462Â 2017 to 2019 and L538, L550 2018-2019
Menu–Car Config–Complete List;
Auto High Beam Assist
Auto High Beam – Sensitivity Menu -> Enabled
Auto High Beam – System Status AHB -> AHB Fitted
– Run routine : IIDTool Menu -> Service/Test -> IPMA-Image Processing Module ‘A’ -> Allow Central Configuratin Data Learning
Lane Departure Warning and Lane Keep Assist
-EUCD-098 Lane Departure Warning = LDW Fitted with Enable Menu & TSR Fitted with Overspeed
-MultiCAN-498 LaneKeepAssistLKA = LKA fitted
-EUCD-026 Power Steering Type = Electric Power Steering with external angle and torque control , only for JLR
– Run routine : IIDTool Menu -> Service/Test -> IPMA-Image Processing Module ‘A’ -> Allow Central Configuratin Data Learning